通过圣经的真理和圣乐的培训,我们的教会在茁壮成长,服事的同工也成熟起来。为了更好的在UBC校园传福音,并盼望扩展到整个大温地区的家庭、学者和学生事工,经过长时间的祷告和努力,终于在圣灵的带领下,我们这个新生的教会于2018年四月份被正式接纳成为宣道会大家庭中的一员,更名为〖雅歌宣道会Sacred Songs Alliance Church〗。「雅歌」是圣经旧约的一卷预表基督与教会爱情婚姻的歌中最美的歌,有「真理与圣乐」的含义,而英文名又有「真道洁净而圣化的诗歌」的意义。这表明我们教会有传讲「圣经真道」和传唱「圣洁诗歌」的神圣使命,以此开展救赎医治和充满赞美喜乐的家庭及个人的各项福音事工。
创会牧师/主任牧师:Rev. Dr. 陈彬(Heman)牧师/博士。
In February 2017, our savior Jesus Christ, allowed us to see many broken families and lonely lost souls on the UBC campus. Their families, study, life, work, and especially the soul need salvation and return to the house of the living God. So we began to hold meetings combined with Bible study, prayer and sacred music in different brothers and sisters’ homes. With the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, God led many immigrant families, scholars and students to join us and the number of faith seekers continued to grow. After praying, in March of the same year, the ” Christ Faith & Hymns Church” was established. The church name reflects the missions of “Christ-centered biblical authority” and “biblical sacred music” in building the church and in preaching the gospel. As well, Sunday worship officially began at the Carey Theological Seminary of UBC. Thanks to the call of the kingdom, many families and individuals accepted the Lord Jesus and solemn baptisms were held.
Through the learning of the truth and training in sacred music of the Bible, our church is thriving, and the co-workers who have served are maturing. In order to evangelizing better on the UBC campus and looking forward to extending to families, scholars and student ministries throughout the Greater Vancouver, with a long period of prayer and hard work and under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, our new church was officially accepted as a member of the Christian and Missionary Alliance of Canada and had its name changed to the Sacred Songs Alliance Church in April 2018. “The Song of Songs” is the most beautiful song in the Old Testament of the Bible that expresses the love and marriage of Christ and the church. It has the meaning of “truth and sacred music”, and the English name carries “cleaned and sanctified music by the truth”. This shows that our church has the sacred mission to preach the “biblical truth” and to sing “holy music” in carrying out the various gospel ministries of redemptive healing full of praises and joy for family and individuals.
Thank God! What we have received from the Lord is a new ministry, and it is the clear calling of the Lord Jesus! We will begin the Great Commission of our LORD Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:18-20) from the UBC campus. Let us use the truth and the sacred music to carry out and promote the “vision of family restoration”, that is, to realize “the whole family returns to Christ, return to the Bible, return to mission”. Let every family receive full salvation and participate in the ministry of the church. I hope that you will be moved by Jesus Christ and welcome to the gathering of our church family. If you are willing to accept and fully support the vision of our church, we invite you to join our ministry team to realize the call of God on us! In this end of the hustle and bustle, let our church, through the Lord Jesus Christ, and through the love of the Holy Spirit, and the shepherd called by the Lord, strive to accomplish the kingdom mission on us!